The Beach Chair

Monday, March 19, 2007

390 million reasons to smile

I grew up in what most would consider an upper middle class family. We weren't rich, but we were fortunate enough to not struggle. Even though this was the case, I was always taught to value the dollar. I had to get a part-time job and I worked throughout my high school years. So, I had an appreciation of how hard it is to make money and how quickly that money can disappear.

As I got older and entered the real world, I had to take on more responsibilities financially. Rent, phone and cable bills and recently, a car note. Naturally, not having to deal or think about such things for so long made the transition somewhat difficult. I had to now budget and take into account bills and groceries and saving money for emergency situations. I was on my own.

I always wondered how things would be if I were rich. And my rich, I'm not talking living in a cul-de-sac rich, I'm talking NBA, Fortune 500, Diddy and Donald Trump rich. Rich enough where you don't even have to think twice about how much you spend and when income is constantly coming in.

For the common, everyday person such as you a I, being financially stable such as those mentioned above, boggles the mind. We can't fathom it. We dream, but the reality is while Jay-Z is rising around in the Phantom, we're still thinking we're in a phantom.

So, I had to smile the other weekend when a New Jersey couple won the $390 million jackpot. By all accounts, these were "regular" people whose lives were instantly changed forever and they went to a higher tax bracket in a matter of minutes. I can't imagine what it was like for them to, one day be working hard for money, to the next, not having to work ever again. I wonder will the money change them. I wonder how well they will manage it. Whatever happens, they must be able to smile by lookinig at their bank account.


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