The Beach Chair

Monday, March 10, 2008

Change is good

Greetings! I know, I know. It's been like a month since I've relaxed in the Beach Chair, but I've had a lot going on.

But...better late than never.

Nobody and I mean nobody, should ever think so highly of themselves that they're immune to change. Because at some point in time, there are things about his or herself that needs altering.

I've reached that point.

Guys are dumb. Present company included. And, when it comes to relationships, we are even dumber.

This past weekend, I messed up with the SO. And while the first step is admitted you're wrong, it could have been avoided.

I'll save you the details, but understand, it was kind of bad. In the bad 48 hours, I've rewritten tbe book on apologies.

While my intentions were good, my methods were horrible. But, in hindsight, the experience although negative may have been a positive in the long run.

It was an eye-opener for me and made me realize that, if I want to keep this good woman I have, there are things I need to straighten up.

Not to say that I need to change who "I" am, but in reference to the relationship and its future success, there are things that need tweaking. And I intend on doing so.

For both parties, it's a work in progress. She, while adamant of not wanting me to change, had to understand that I'm attempted to this not for me, but for us, and our best interests is in my efforts.

There are things about me that I am not proud of. Some related to the relationship and some not. But to avoid them and hope they will pass over is the wrong approach. Not that I shouldn't with all of them, but certain ones I've prayed hard about. Others are just a matter of using better judgement and making better decisions.

I want to be the best I can be, but to be the best, there needs to be some work done under the hood. Change is not necessarily a bad thing.


  • At March 12, 2008 at 10:33 AM , Blogger B.Good said...

    Doh! Well I'm glad you can recognize that you and the rest of your pals are dumb, lol. I guess we ladies aren't the always brightest, but hopefully everyone is looking to change for the better and making it happen (present company included).

    Good luck to you!

  • At March 13, 2008 at 11:46 PM , Blogger Jameil said...

    we want change we want change. sorry the picture distracted me. recognizing an issue is half the battle. as long as you continue to take the next step.


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