The Beach Chair

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Christmas shopping...

As I sit in a state of boredom at my desk, I'm thinking about the adventure I am about to embark on once I leave the office. It's the adventure that is Christmas shopping. Throughout the day (in between work, of course) I browsed the net, looking for prospective gifts. I do this because I want to get in and get out of the mall as quickly as possible. In recent years, the commercialization of Christmas has become enormously outrageous and Christmas shopping become out of control. While I'll save the commercialization of CHRISTmas for another blog, sales, buy one, get one frees and coupons have made me not look forward to going out to the mall. I'm dreading spending 20-plus minutes trying to find a parking spot. I'm not at all looking forward to bobbing and weave around old ladies who are lost and teenagers who gossiping on the cell phone and aren't going to buy anything.

I have made a list, so that I can make my trip to the mall go as smooth as possible. But, despite that, I know something is going to go wrong. I know I'm probably not going to find everything I'm looking for. I know an item I want is going to ring up 20 percent off the original price AS IT CLEARLY STATED and I'm going to have to bite my tongue and not cuss out the sales associate. I know when I get home and look at my account online, I'm going that sit back and question what i just bought.

Nonetheless, that's part of what makes the holiday season so special. Going out, fighting the crowds and doing last minute shopping. The reality is, if my shopping doesn't get done today, it's not going to get done. So, if you are reading this and are expecting a gift from me, don't get your hopes up to high because I'd hate for you to get disappointed.

So, I'm off! Here's to Christmas shopping and to you, my faithful readers, don't forget to pick me up something when you're out shopping. I'll accept anything, except tube socks.

Monday, December 18, 2006

The Prelude...

I'm back! Many of you may recognize me and my work from The Boom-Boom Room, a blog I maintained for a little over a year. It was a place where, through the written and read word, I could share a little piece of my world to the blogosphere. However, as time progressed, the doors of the Boom-Boom Room needed to close. A vacation from blogging was needed. But much like MJ, Jay-Z and George Foreman, I felt the need to make a comeback. My job now doesn't require me to write that much, so I needed an outlet. I needed a place to express my thoughts, feelings and emotions freely and without limitations. So I introduce the Beach Chair. When we think about a beach chair, an image of relaxation comes to mind. A place to sit and enjoy the peaceful sound of waves, the warmth of the sun rays and the smell of the the ocean. Similar to those thoughts, this is what I expect this blog to be. A forum in which expression is welcome, the written word is powerful and a good time can be had.